The Marriageatcana Ministry exists to strengthen marriage between a man and a woman and to provide biblical principles and life skills that will help them establish and maintain a healthy marriage. We do not believe in just fixing the problem in the marriage but focuing on strengthening marriages. We believe restoration are always available, no matter the extent of damage done to a relationship if both couples are willing to work on the marriage, partner with God, nothing is impossible with God.
Why Marriage Seminar?
"Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." - 1 Cor. 10:12
John 2:1-11
When I see marriages that are supposed to flourish diminishing and withering my heart breaks, why? Because I was once like that. Good together but just cannot enjoy the togetherness, the oneness, the unity, peace and blessings in marriage.
Share A Prayer Request
Prayer is something we do a lot of here at Marriageatcana Ministry. We ALL need prayer. Is there something that is weighing you down? Or perhaps there is something that we could join you in giving God praise? Tell us how we can pray with you today.
Your requests will remain private.
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